Next stepS

Whether you’re just starting out as a newcomer to a church or consider yourself a “seasoned” Christian, every step exists to lead you into a deeper relationship with Christ and to build lasting relationships with those around you.


Why does Jesus matter?

Every one of us struggles to find purpose, answers, and help. Some days we just want to keep our heads above water—take care of the kids, pay the bills, and make ends meet. We all want to feel we have what it takes.

But we also have deeper questions. Why am I here? Is this all there is? Who am I? What happens when I die?

Jesus matters because He came to answer our deepest questions. He came to give us a purpose for living now and to settle the question of where we’ll spend eternity.

Jesus brings meaning

God, the creator of the universe, has a plan for you and your life. He loves you and wants to help you because He made you—on purpose, with a purpose. He knows you need help. He knows you can’t do it on your own. That’s why He sent Jesus.

You don’t have to measure up to some impossible religious standard to know God—you can’t, only Jesus can. Jesus brings meaning and purpose to all the struggles you’re facing. You don’t have to be good enough, clean up your act, or follow some super-spiritual checklist.

Now what?

If you are ready to meet Jesus, pray this prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I’ve fallen short. I’ve sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that You lived, died and rose again so that I could be connected to God. I confess you as my Lord and commit my life to You. I give you my past, present, and future. Take my life and use it. I give it to You. Amen.”

If you prayed to meet Jesus, please let us know! If you have any questions, we want to help you take the next step. Stop our Welcome Center on campus this Sunday or contact us.


Baptism is a public demonstration of putting one’s trust and hope in Jesus, and it’s for everyone who has put his or her faith in Christ. At Crossroads, we believe baptism is an outward expression of internal transformation, and it’s one of the first steps we take when we start following Jesus.


You’re one step closer to finding your purpose! Growth Track is a guide designed to help you discover your part in God’s story and equip you to make a difference in your world, and it meets on Sundays at 11am in Room 117.

Join a Group

Groups are for anyone! If you’re looking to have deeper conversations than just a Sunday greeting, Groups are for you. If you’re new to your faith and you want to build your relationship with Christ and walk alongside others, Groups are for you. If you want to get involved in sharing your life and faith with others, Groups are for you!

Whether you’re looking for something casual and activity focused, or a group that’s centered around spiritual growth and discipleship, there’s a group for everyone.


One of the best ways to get connected at Crossroads is through serving. Whether it’s welcoming new guests, teaching kids about Jesus, hanging out with teenagers, or hosting our livestream chat, we’d love for you to serve with us!


Why do we give?

Because God gave and gives so much for us, we want to give. We recognize that our money shows our priorities. Giving helps us break selfishness, greed and chasing after the wind. It allows us to demonstrate that our heart belongs to God as described in Matthew 6:24 by Jesus.

We believe the local church is the hope of the world, therefore we support its life-changing efforts with our finances.

What Is the Tithe?

A tithe is a term used in the Bible which just means “tenth.”  It is literally defined as the first 10% of a person’s income. God has made aggressive promises to those who will “honor” Him with this tithe (Malachi 3). When we bring our first and best back to God, He promises to bless the rest. We really can’t outgive God. We know tithing is a huge step of obedience and faith for many, but you’re not in this alone!