A message from Pastor Craig:
Crossroads Family, It’s certainly been another crazy week! Just a couple of months ago we weren’t even talking about the coronavirus, social distancing or self-quarantine. But we know this didn’t take Jesus by surprise, and He has not lost sight of you! We want to make sure community at Crossroads continues, so we have developed several opportunities for you to connect online. Make sure you not only follow Crossroads on Facebook, but you join our Crossroads Community Facebook Group. YouTube Each Sunday’s message will be uploaded to YouTube as well as Facebook. Crossroads Kids will also be uploading their weekly videos to the Crossroads YouTube channel. COVID-19 Response Team The needs in our community are great, and we’re doing our very best to support those in need during this time. We’ve developed a COVID-19 Response Team to assist with prepaid grocery pick-up & prescription pick-up. Find more information and join the team by following this link. Online Giving Last week I asked you if you’d set up online giving. Several of you did that, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. Would you continue to join with us as ministry moves online? You can give one time or set up recurring giving at www.welcometocrossroads.org/give See you this weekend online! Social distancing does not mean spiritual distancing. If there was ever a time we needed to hear the truth of God’s word, it is now! Make plans to watch the service online at www.www.welcometocrossroads.org/online, and invite a friend to join you! |